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Posts with the tag Distributed System:

KV Raft - 6.824 Lab3A

This post is about part A of Lab3 of MIT 6.824, Distributed Systems. For previous two parts, please refer to the posts about the Lab 1 and 2 under the tag Distributed System. In this post, we are to build a fault tolerant key-value services on top of Raft.

Raft - 6.824 Lab2C

This post is about part C of Lab2 of MIT 6.824, Distributed Systems. For previous two parts, please refer to Part A and B. In this one we are focusing on Persist in Raft. The implementation would mostly follow the figure 2 in the paper as well.

Raft - 6.824 Lab2A 2B

This post is about part A and B of Lab2 of MIT 6.824, Distributed Systems. It is about the implementation of Raft. Here in these two part, we only discuss the section up to the end of section 5 in the paper.

MapReduce - 6.824 Lab1

This is the first lab of MIT 6.824, Distributed Systems. It is about the implementation of MapReduce, a framework introduced by Google that can process huge volume of data parallelly by splitting a single task to multiple small ones and assigning them to a cluster of “cheap” machines. And by using this framework, also as mentioned in the paper, this lets programmer make use of distributed system without the need of experience of it.

A very classic use case of this framework is counting words in a large file, which is also what we are to implement.