Lately I was working on a Web Security Project and I came across this very interesting Web Messaging Encryption Protocol - Signal Protocol.

When doing web communication encryption, the most common solution is using TLS, where basically, two sides handshake using Diffie–Hellman key exchange through an insecure channel and communicate using symmetric encryption (i.e.: AES) based on the secret key SK derivated from DH key exchange. This solution can provide strong enough encryption when communicating between client and server.

However, when it comes to the situation where client talks to client (E2E) and server just redirects message, especially instant messaging, there are two major security issues we need to solve:

  1. The server itself may be not secure and we are unable to trust it to store the messages in clear or weak encryption;

  2. If always relying on the same SK, this gives Mallory time to crack it out and every message would be able to be decrypted.

To achieve secure E2E communications, the signal protocol was thus introduced. It has two main fragments:

  • Extended Triple Diffie-Hellman(X3DH): This extended DH key exchange helps two clients establish a shared SK for future communications in an asynchronous way, only requiring two clients publish some keys to server;

  • Double Ratchet algorithm: This algorithm provides both forward secrecy and break-in recovery, which makes each message have different SK so there is no way to crack one SK and know everything.

The specifications from Signal Protocol provide a relatively high level overview but there are still some details not that clear and hard to understand. So I would like to talk about how I understand this protocol with some actual implementation in Python. In this post, I will focus on the X3DH part.

X3DH Protocol

How shared DH Value computed in X3DH is using X25519 Key exchange which is a Elliptic-curve Diffie–Hellman. And I chose library cryptography, which is part of pyOpenSSL, to compute this X25519 Key exchange.

The basic workflow of establishing a session using X3DH is illustrated as below:



At first, both clients need to generate required key pairs, publish key bundles to server and save the secrets so they are able to start the session.

Key pairs to generate:

  1. IK: Long-Term Identity Key (32 bytes both), which is an unique identifier for each client;

  2. SPK: Signed PreKey (32 bytes both), a key pair will be revoked and re-generated every few days/weeks for sake of security. Alongside, SPK_sig: SPK public key’s signature, signed by IK secret key - SIG(IK_s, SPK_p);

  3. OPK: One-time Off Key (32 bytes both), a key pair will be revoked once used for handshake. Usually, the client will generate multiple OPK pair and generate new one once server used up or needs more.

Then all these key pair’s public keys and SPK_sig will be sent to server.

from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import x25519
from XEdDSA import sign

class User():

  def __init__(self, name, MAX_OPK_NUM): = name
      self.IK_s = x25519.X25519PrivateKey.generate()
      self.IK_p = self.IK_s.public_key()
      self.SPK_s = x25519.X25519PrivateKey.generate()
      self.SPK_p = self.IK_s.public_key()
      self.SPK_sig = sign(IK_s, SPK_p)
      self.OKPs = []
      self.OPKs_p = []
      for i in range(MAX_OPK_NUM):
          sk = x25519.X25519PrivateKey.generate()
          pk = sk.public_key()
          self.OKPs.append((sk, pk))
          # for later steps
          self.key_bundles = {}
          self.dr_keys= {}

          def publish(self):
              return {
                  'IK_p': self.IK_p,
                  'SPK_p': self.SPK_p,
                  'SPK_sig': self.SPK_sig,
                  'OPKs_p': self.OPKs_p

Due to unable to find out how to do XEdDSA signature required by signal protocol while using cryptography, since each library has their different way to format their X25519 Keys, here I picked a mock function sign. You could refer to this blog post and RFC Standard to convert between Ed25519 and X25519

Establish the Session

To actually establish the session, steps 3-5 in the diagram above will be carried out by Alice and Bob.

  • First, Alice tries to send first message. Her client will ask server for Bob’s key bundle and generate a Ephemeral Key pair use only for this handshake:
# Continue in Class Client

  # Get key bundle from a server object
  def get_key_bundle(self, server, user_name):
      if user_name in self.key_bundles and user_name in self.dr_keys:
      	print('Already stored ' + user_name + ' locally, no need handshake again')
      	return False

    	self.key_bundles[user_name] = server.get_key_bundle(user_name)
    	return True

  def initial_handshake(self, server, user_name):
    	if get_key_bundle(user_name):
      	# Generate Ephemeral Key
      	sk = x25519.X25519PrivateKey.generate()
      	self.key_bundles[user_name]['EK_s'] = sk
      	self.key_bundles[user_name]['EK_p'] = sk.public_key()
  • Then, Alice’s client will compute Alice’s secret key SK, with

    • IK_sa Alice’s secret Identity key,

    • EK_pk Alice’s public Ephemeral Key,

    • IK_pb Bob’s public Identity Key,

    • SPK_pb Bob’s public Signed PreKey,

    • OPK_pb Bob’s public One-time Off key


    getting 4 DH values and derivate a 32 bytes SK, where SK = HKDF(DH_1||DH_2||DH_3||DH_4)

    from Crypto.Protocol.KDF import HKDF
    from Crypto.Hash import SHA256
    from XEdDSA import verify
    KDF_F = b'\xff' * 32
    KDF_LEN = 32
    KDF_SALT = b'\0' * KDF_LEN
    # Continue in Class Client
      def x3dh_KDF(key_material):
        km = KDF_F + key_material
        return HKDF(km, KDF_LEN, KDF_SALT, SHA256, 1)
      def generate_send_secret_key(self, user_name):
        key_bundle = self.key_bundles[user_name]
        DH_1 =['SPK_p'])
        DH_2 = key_bundle['EK_s'].exchange(key_bundle['IK_p'])
        DH_3 = key_bundle['EK_s'].exchange(key_bundle['SPK_p'])
        DH_4 = key_bundle['EK_s'].exchange(key_bundle['OPK_p'])
        if not verify(self.IK_s, key_bundle['SPK_sig']):
            print('Unable to verify Signed Prekey')
        # create SK
        key_bundle['SK'] = x3dh_KDF(DH_1 + DH_2 + DH_3 + DH_4)

    The HKDF here I pick is from pycryptodome. And note that X3DH requires HKDF function prepend 32 b'\xff' bytes if curve is X25519, and 57 b'\xff' bytes if curve is X448. The salt should a b'\0' byte sequence of length equals to length of output key length. Hash functions are required to be a 256-bit or 512-bit function.

  • Then, Alice’s client will build the hello message to send out:

    The format of the initial message:

    IK_pb||EK_pa||OPK_pb||n_0||t_0||AES(SK, SIG(IK_sa, IK_pa||EK_pa||OPK_pb||AD)||IK_pa||IK_pb||AD)

    and you could set the AD’s format like this:

      "from": "alice",
      "to": "bob",
      "message": "<some greeting messages>"

    Implement in Python:

    from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import serialization
    from Crypto.Random import get_random_bytes
    from Crypto.Cipher import AES
    import json
    # Length definition for hello message encryption
    AES_N_LEN = 16
    AES_TAG_LEN =16
    # Continue in Class Client
      def dump_privatekey(private_key, to_str=True):
        private_key = private_key.private_bytes(
        return private_key
      def dump_publickey(public_key):
        public_key = public_key.public_bytes(
        return public_key
      def build_x3dh_hello(self, server, to, ad):
        # Binary additional data
        b_ad = (json.dumps({
          'to': to,
          'message': ad
        key_bundle = self.key_bundles[to]
        # 64 byte signature
        key_comb = dump_publickey(self.IK_p) + dump_publickey(key_bundle['EK_p']) +dump_publickey(key_bundle['OPK_p'])
        signature = sign(self.IK_s, key_comb + b_ad)
        print("Alice message signature: ", signature)
        print("data: ", key_comb + b_ad)
        # 16 byte aes nonce
        nonce = get_random_bytes(AES_N_LEN)
        cipher =['SK'], AES.MODE_GCM, nonce=nonce, mac_len=AES_TAG_LEN)
        # 32 + 32 + len(ad) byte cipher text
        ciphertext, tag = cipher.encrypt_and_digest(signature + dump_publickey(self.IK_p) + dump_publickey(key_bundle['IK_p']) + b_ad)
        # initial message: (32 + 32 +32) + 16 + 16 + 64 + 32 + 32 + len(ad)
        message = key_comb + nonce + tag + ciphertext
        server.send(to, message)
        # For Double Ratchet
        self.initialize_dr_state(to, key_bundle['SK'], [key_bundle['EK_s'], key_bundle['EK_p']], "")

    AES refers AES256 in GCM Mode, n_0 and t_0 are nonce and tag, using SK as key, which is also from pycryptodome.

  • Finally, Bob receives first message, decrypts and verifies it:

    Bob will also check out Alice’s key bundle from server and manipulate the hello message to compute his SK. And then decrypt the message and verify the signature in the plaintext for AEAD.

    The verifications include:

    • verify public signed PreKey’s signature SPK_sig;

    • verify IK_pb and OPK_pb in the hello message and in the local db matches;

    • verify IK_pa in the hello message and in key bundles matches;

    • verify AD, the json object in the hello message has correct from and to.

    EC_KEY_LEN = 32
      # Continue in Class Client
      def recv_x3dh_hello_message(self, server):
        # receive the hello message
        sender, recv = server.get_message()
        self.get_key_bundle(server, sender)
        key_bundle = self.key_bundles[sender]
        IK_pa = recv[:EC_KEY_LEN]
        EK_pa = recv[EC_KEY_LEN:EC_KEY_LEN*2]
        OPK_pb = recv[EC_KEY_LEN*2:EC_KEY_LEN*3]
        nonce = recv[EC_KEY_LEN*3:EC_KEY_LEN*3+AES_N_LEN]
        ciphertext = recv[EC_KEY_LEN*3+AES_N_LEN+AES_TAG_LEN:]
        # Verify if the key in hello message matches the key bundles from server
        if (IK_pa != key_bundle['IK_p']):
            print("Key in hello message doesn't match key from server")
        # Verify Signed pre key from server
        if not verify(key_bundle['IK_p'], key_bundle['SPK_sig']):
            print('Unable to verify Signed Prekey')
        sk = create_recv_secret_key(IK_pa, EK_pa, OPK_pb)
        print('bob sk: ', sk)
        if sk is None:
        key_bundle['SK'] = sk
        message = x3dh_decrypt_and_verify(self, key_bundle, IK_pa, EK_pa, nonce, tag, ciphertext)
        # For Double Ratchet
        self.initialize_dr_state(sender, sk, [], EK_pa)
        # Get Ek_pa and plaintext ad
        return EK_pa, message
      def generate_recv_secret_key(self, IK_pa, EK_pa, OPK_pb)):
        # Find corresponding secret OPK secret key
        # And remove the pair from the list
        OPK_sb = self.search_OPK_lst(OPK_pb)
        if OPK_sb is None:
        IK_pa = x25519.X25519PublicKey.from_public_bytes(IK_pa)
        EK_pa = x25519.X25519PublicKey.from_public_bytes(EK_pa)
        DH_1 =
        DH_2 =
        DH_3 =
        DH_4 =
        # create SK
        return x3dh_KDF(DH_1 + DH_2 + DH_3 +DH_4)
      def x3dh_decrypt_and_verify(self, key_bundle, IK_pa, EK_pa, nonce, tag, ciphertext):
        # Decrypt cipher text and verify
        cipher =, AES.MODE_GCM, nonce=nonce, mac_len=AES_TAG_LEN)
            p_all = cipher.decrypt_and_verify(ciphertext, tag)
        except ValueError:
            print('Unable to verify/decrypt ciphertext')
        except Exception as e:
        # Byte format of plain text
        sign = p_all[:EC_SIGN_LEN]
        IK_pa_p = p_all[EC_SIGN_LEN:EC_SIGN_LEN+EC_KEY_LEN]
        IK_pb_p = p_all[EC_SIGN_LEN+EC_KEY_LEN:EC_SIGN_LEN+EC_KEY_LEN*2]
        ad = p_all[EC_SIGN_LEN+EC_KEY_LEN*2:]
        if (IK_pa != IK_pa_p and IK_pb != IK_pb_p):
            print("Keys from header and ciphertext not match")
        if not verify(IK_pa], sign, IK_pa_p + EK_pa + OPK_pb + ad):
            print("Unable to verify the message signature")
        print('Message: ', json.loads(ad))
        return json.loads(ad)

Next Step

After both Alice and Bob share a SK, X3DH can be marked as completed. Though this process is hard to be cracked out, we have to integrate it with Double Ratchet Algorithm to reach ultimate secure in application layer (Again, this only encrypts the request/response data but not IP/TCP or others). And I will talk about it in the next part.

For now, we just need to make sure what to keep for DR integration and what to destroy to avoid reuse attack.

Alice, Bob and server need to destroy the OPK from Bob used in this handshake.

Alice needs to keep EK pair and SK to initiate DR.

Bob also needs to keep Alice’s EK_p and SK to initiate DR and send his response using DR.